The Climate Action Counts campaign is uniting one million Californians to take everyday climate actions for collective impact. Take the pledge and join this growing community making a difference together.

The Climate Action Counts campaign is uniting one million Californians to take everyday climate actions for collective impact. Take the pledge and join this growing community making a difference together.
Our state is full of climate champions ready to take action. Climate Action Counts invites you to combat climate change in your own way, on your own time.
How? Simple steps lead to big impact! From composting at home to planting a native tree, to supporting local farmers, every Californian can take climate action at home and in their neighborhoods to help build resilient communities.
Ensure your climate action counts! Below are 10 priority actions that make a difference in fighting climate change. Take the pledge and tell us what actions you’re already doing or will do in the future.
Our state is full of climate champions ready to take action. Climate Action Counts invites you to combat climate change in your own way, on your own time.
How? Simple steps lead to big impact! From composting at home to planting a native tree, to supporting local farmers, every Californian can take climate action at home and in their neighborhoods to help build resilient communities.
Ensure your climate action counts! Below are 10 priority actions that make a difference in fighting climate change. Take the pledge and tell us what actions you’re already doing or will do in the future.
10 priority actions you can take:
Donate, upcycle and thrift.
Toss in your green bin or compost in your yard.
Shop at local farmers markets or join a CSA (community supported agriculture).
Walk, bike, use public transit, carpool or consider a zero-emission vehicle.
Plant trees and native plants or start a community garden.
Be prepared for wildfire and extreme heat.
Save energy, water and money
Use a smart thermostat (or adjust your thermostat), conserve water and capture savings.
Enjoy nature at your local parks and trails.
Click here to discover more about these 10 actions and explore helpful resources.

“The Climate Action Counts campaign empowers Californians to be a part of something big and impactful – making climate action truly count.”
— California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday
Our Partners
The campaign is backed by an incredible coalition of cities, colleges and universities, state agencies, community-based organizations, business and climate leaders. Join others and become a Climate Action Counts partner today!