AmeriCorps California Student Success Coach Program
Deadline: Applications due March 31, 2022 |
Grant Description
In February 2020, Assembly Bill 2533 (AB 2533), introduced by Assembly Member Gipson, co-authored by Assembly Members Kalra and Santiago and Senator Bradford, sought to establish the California Student Success Coach Grant Program to support and expand the presence of student success coaches in high-need schools throughout the state. As a result of California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s vision and investment, CV has received a one-time $15 million investment to develop the CA Student Success Coach Grant program. This grant program will support, expand, and establish efforts that advance student success coaches in existing AmeriCorps programs. This funding will not be used to supplant AmeriCorps funding or resources. Funding will be used to: 1) supplement existing federal funding for successful Student Success Coach programs; 2) provide planning funds for existing AmeriCorps programs that seek to incorporate more elements of student success coaching model into the existing program; and 3) develop a training and technical assistance framework for student success coaching programs in California.
Eligible Applicants
The California Student Success Coach Grant Program is open to currently-operating AmeriCorps programs in California with strong track records in the implementation of the student success coach model, as defined, and/or existing AmeriCorps programs implementing at least three drivers associated with the student success coach framework, as defined by Intentional Futures (iF) in the Target Product Profile (TPP).
To be eligible for any of the above grant opportunities, applicants must have a currently-operating AmeriCorps in California that:
- Have a program model and focus on youth development/mentoring/coaching that implements at least three of the key drivers
- Is an AmeriCorps program in year one or two of the grant period
- If in year three of the AmeriCorps grant period, will receive funding from CV and/or AmeriCorps to operate in 2022-23. Awards for successful applicants in this category will be conditioned upon their ability to implement an AmeriCorps program in 2022-2023.
Applicants for the Existing SSC AmeriCorps Programmatic Support and SSC Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Engagement Support grant program must include, in their narrative, direct connection and measures of impact as associated with all six drivers of the TPP student success coach framework.
Applicants for the Aspiring SSC AmeriCorps Planning Support grant program must include, in their narrative, direct connection, and measures of impact as associated with at least three drivers of the TPP student success coach framework.
Application Deadline
Applications due March 31, 2022
Application Documents
The following documents are required to complete the 2022 AmeriCorps State Grant Application:
- 2022 CV Student Success Coach RFA
- Budget Template
- 2022 CV Student Success Coach Title Page
Technical Assistance
For technical assistance with this application, please contact