10 Ways To Take Action From Home
You can take meaningful climate action right at home.
Below are simple steps you can take to make a big difference. Be part of the solution and take action now to reduce your carbon footprint!
1. Plant trees.
Trees provide crucial shade, pollution protection, and groundwater benefits. It’s no surprise then, that many local governments, such as in the city and county of Los Angeles and Sacramento, give away free trees or offer planting services.
2. Donate unused food.
Don’t throw it away! By donating unused food, you’re helping feed people and reduce landfill emissions. Visit this site to find a list of food rescue organizations near you.
3. Compost your food waste.
ReFED estimates 63 million tons of food waste ends up in landfills annually, generating potent greenhouse gas. Follow these steps from CalRecycle on how you can compost your food waste from home.
4. Protect your home from wildfire.
Taking measures to harden your home and create defensible space around it significantly helps increase your home’s chance of survival when wildfire strikes.
5. Assess your home energy consumption.
This simple CPUC home energy audit site can show how much energy your home consumes and offers tips on changes to improve its efficiency.
6. Do a self-energy audit.
Use CARB’s online tool to calculate and track your carbon footprint. What changes can you make to reduce your total footprint?
7. Hack your thermostat.
Setting your thermostat 7 to 10 degrees from its normal setting in warmer and cooler months, you’ll save money and reduce your pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. This can reduce your heating and cooling emissions by 10%, saving money every year.
8. Unplug electronic devices when they aren’t in use.
From 4 to 9 PM, energy demand is high, and fewer clean energy sources are available. By unplugging idle electronic devices during these hours, you’re using less polluting energy sources.
9. Save energy through water conservation.
Energy Upgrade California provides you a variety of ways to save energy and water. Your utility and municipality may also provide rebates and other resources to help you take action.
10. Switch to LED bulbs.
LED light bulbs can last 25 times longer, while using 75 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs. That adds up to more than $100 in savings for most families each year.
Climate Action Resources
Heatwave Action
Temperatures are going up and you can protect the health of your family and neighbors. Download and share our lifesaving tips factsheet.
Greening California
Greening practices increase the cover of vegetation, which lowers carbon dioxide and improves human health. You can help increase tree cover and restore natural environments by planting trees, replacing lawns, and helping with restoration projects in community parks. Download fact sheet
Reducing Organic Waste
California has climate goals to divert 75% of organic waste and send 20% of unsold, still-fresh food to those who need it. You can help reduce emissions and address food insecurity by composting your food or lawn clippings and donating surplus food to your local food bank. Download fact sheet
Wildfire Prep & Prevention
Climate change is intensifying and extending our fire season. Help reduce fire risk and protect your community by hardening your home to reduce fire impacts, creating defensible space around your home, and making a household safety plan. Download fact sheet
Water Conservation
To meet our climate goals and protect our communities we need to dramatically cut back water use in California. Get “water-smart” by turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth or shaving, washing laundry or dishes with full-loads, and planting drought-resistant vegetation. Download fact sheet