Hosting a Disaster Preparedness Workshop

Following a few simple steps to prepare at home can make a big difference in staying safe during a disaster and recovering after. While disasters are rare, they can happen — and being prepared can help you and your loved ones. One of the best ways to plan is to learn about basic preparedness steps! Organizing a disaster preparedness workshop is a great way to bring neighbors together to learn how to sign up for emergency alerts and updates, prepare supplies and create a family communications plan in the event of a disaster.

Disaster Resources

Be Prepared

Disaster Readiness Resource Hub (Available in Multiple Languages)
Sign up for wireless emergency alerts
Neighbor Check-ins

Information During a Disaster

Cal Fire Active Fire Incidents
How to donate responsibly during a disaster
CalTrans Road Conditions
Support Nonprofits
Donate Blood
Visit the websites and social media of your local government or law enforcement.