For Immediate Release
November 10, 2022
Media Contact:
Katie Vavao, California Volunteers, 916-584-3620, Katie.Vavao@cv.ca.gov
Governor Newsom, First Partner Siebel Newsom, Chief Service Officer Fryday, California Volunteers Highlight California’s Nation Leading Service Programs to Unite Communities
California is doubling-down on volunteer and service opportunities to bring people together

FRESNO, Calif. – Today, California Governor Gavin Newsom, First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom and California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday worked alongside volunteers and California Volunteers corps members in Fresno. Ahead of Veterans Day, these community projects highlighted the state’s unprecedented commitment to uplifting volunteer and service opportunities.
“In a time when so much of America seems divided, service reminds us of the common ground we share and the power of these experiences to build bridges and bring people together for the common good,” said Governor Gavin Newsom. “I’m humbled to join the outstanding service corps members here today in that spirit and thank all of the Californians who are stepping up to make a difference in their communities.”

In the coming years, California Volunteers programs will deploy tens of thousands service members working in climate action, tutoring and mentoring, food insecurity and disaster response and preparedness efforts. The scale of this outreach is unprecedented for any state-level service effort, and represents a force of service members two times the size of the Peace Corps.
“Service requires us to look beyond our individual selves, come together, and tap into our common humanity. Californians’ ability to unite for the greater good of their communities is truly what makes this state great,” said First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Honorary Chair of California Volunteers Commission. “ I’m so grateful to California Volunteers for the opportunity to be in service today with some amazing volunteers and reaffirm the Governor’s and my own deep commitment to creating a culture of selflessness and partnership here in California.”

In addition to volunteers, California’s nation-leading service corps participated in today’s service projects, including AmeriCorps, California Climate Action Corps , #CaliforniansForAll College Corps and #CaliforniansForAll Youth Jobs Corps. These service members and fellows work year-round in the Fresno area tutoring and mentoring, taking climate action, fighting food insecurity and providing disaster response and preparedness.
“As a Navy veteran, I think about everyone I served with and everyone who served in our military. I think about our patriotic spirit – the spirit of wanting to make this country a better place,” said California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday. “And that’s the spirit of what California Volunteers offers – opportunities to make your community a better place.”

Today’s volunteer activities included beautification projects and working in a community garden. Volunteers also helped at a weekly walk-up community food distribution facility serving individuals and families. A resource fair offered community members access to free and low-cost Covid tests, emergency preparedness information and training, tax preparedness information, and hygiene kits.
“As the California Volunteers Commission Chair, I am thrilled to bring volunteer and service opportunities to as many Californians as possible. I look forward to continuing to advance service throughout out all our communities,” said Lindsay Fox, California Volunteers Commission Chair and President and CEO, United Way and Madera Counties.
The day of service was hosted by United Way Fresno Madera Counties, West Fresno Family Resource Center, Central California Food Bank and Bay Area Community Resources.
Visit CaliforniansForAll.ca.gov to find a local volunteer or paid service opportunity.
Led by California Chief Service Officer Josh Fryday, California Volunteers, Office of the Governor empowers Californians to take action to improve their communities. #CaliforniansForAll is a California Volunteers service initiative launched in response to COVID-19 to establish a volunteer corps to support the state’s response to emergencies and disasters.