The impacts to our environment and communities are worsening as climate change contributes to longer and more frequent droughts, devastating wildfires, and other disasters. However, we are not powerless when it comes to disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. There are opportunities for everyone to make an impact, whether you have an hour to give or a full year.
California Volunteers’ Role during Disasters
California Volunteers serves as the main point of contact for volunteer coordination at the state level before, during, and after disasters.
Lead the state on volunteer management
Serve as the main point of contact for volunteer management at the state level.
Regional and nonprofit coordination
Coordinate with state partners, volunteer organizations, operational areas, and local governments to evaluate volunteer needs, and identify and find resources.
Deploy AmeriCorps Disaster Teams
Deploy AmeriCorps teams to serve communities before, during, and after a disaster.
Disaster Volunteer Service and Partnership Opportunities
Sign up now to learn more about year-long, paid opportunities to help during disasters, after disasters, and in preparation and prevention of disasters. Even if you can’t commit to a full year of service, join #CaliforniansForAll and volunteer in your community. In the event of a disaster, those who have signed up will receive volunteer and donation opportunity information.
California Emergency Response Corps — Paid Opportunity
This statewide AmeriCorps team, co-managed by Bay Area Community Resources, participates in disaster preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery. Members can be deployed to a disaster by California Volunteers for a few days or weeks to support disaster response and recovery.
California AmeriCorps Disaster Team — Paid Opportunity
The California AmeriCorps Disaster Team, co-managed by the American Red Cross, focuses on the areas of community preparedness education, disaster response and volunteer management. Members can be deployed to a disaster by California Volunteers for a few days or weeks to support disaster response and recovery.
#CaliforniansForAll — Volunteer Opportunity
Thousands have signed up to serve their communities in time of need and can be contacted for help during a disaster. Won’t you join them?
Partner Organization Opportunity
We actively build partnerships with local government for volunteer management. We also work with community-based organizations that recruit, train, and mobilize volunteers so we can all be part of a coordinated disaster response effort. Let us know if your organization would like to partner with us.
Disaster Resources
Be Prepared
Disaster Ready Guide (English PDF)
Disaster Ready Guide (Spanish PDF)
Listos California
Multi-language resources
Sign up for wireless emergency alerts
California Office of Emergency Services
Heatwave Tips (PDF)
Rotating Power Outages (PDF)
Neighbor Check-ins
Information During a Disaster
Cal Fire Active Fire Incidents
How to donate responsibly during a disaster
CalTrans Road Conditions
Support Nonprofits
Donate Blood
Visit the websites and social media of your local government or law enforcement.
Community Emergency Response Teams
Red Cross Online Classes
For Community-based Organizations
For questions or more information, email