Host Fellows for the 2023 Summer or 2023-24 Fellowship Terms
This summer, 80 Fellows will serve a two-month (300-hour) term placed with host partner agencies and organizations throughout the state from June 5 – August 4, 2023. Then in fall 2023, 115+ full-time Fellows will start an 11-month (1,700-hour) term of service from September 18, 2023 – August 15, 2024.
Fellows will mobilize their communities through volunteer engagement, climate action, and education focused on urban greening, organic waste and edible food recovery, and wildfire resiliency.
How the California Climate Action Corps Works
Public agencies, Tribes, non-profit organizations, and schools throughout the state can apply for Fellows to support community climate engagement in and for frontline communities.
Projects should include or combine the following elements:
Climate Volunteer Engagement (40%): All projects must include a strong climate volunteer engagement component to foster service activities as a means for greater community climate action. Summer Fellows should engage 20+ volunteers throughout their term. Full-time Fellows should engage 100+ volunteers, organize and lead at least one volunteer event, and register volunteer events on VolunteerMatch as California Climate Action Corps partner events. Support will be provided through Regional Fellow Team Leaders. Preference may be given to applications with the most significant volunteer engagement components.
Climate Action (20%): Defined and measurable climate pollution reduction mitigation, adaptation, or resiliency activities in the focus areas of urban greening, organic waste and edible food recovery, and wildfire resiliency. Please note that litter abatement is not an aligned Fellow activity.
- Urban greening initiatives that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate the effects of extreme heat, and provide additional benefits such as decreased pollution and energy consumption in low-income communities.
- Organic waste and edible food recovery initiatives that support the reduction and recycling of organic waste, as well as collection and redistribution of edible food that would otherwise be disposed from producers, restaurants, grocery stores and households to people in need.
- Wildfire resiliency initiatives that support defensible space, home hardening, and fuel reduction programs to protect high-risk communities while also reducing toxic wildfire-related air pollution, as well as reforestation programs post-fire.
Climate Education (20%): Structured delivery of climate-related content (30 minutes or more) that builds awareness and engagement with climate issues among community members. Knowledge gained and behavior change will be captured through pre/post surveys.
Priority Regions: Applicants throughout the state are welcome, but priority will be given to projects in or near disadvantaged and tribal communities.
Fellow Request: Priority will be given to applicants who request multiple fellows.
Collective Impact Support: Host Partners will submit monthly progress reports that distill total outcomes and community success stories.
All California Climate Action Corps Fellows will be AmeriCorps Members (at least 18 years old) who are screened for relevant interest and experience. Fellows will serve a minimum of 1700 hours over eleven months (at least 80% on service and up to 20% on training). Host Partner Site Supervisors provide project and Fellow supervision, training, and mentorship throughout the term. Full-time Fellows receive a stipend of $30,000 (pre-tax) and education awards of $10,000 upon completion of the 11-month term of service. Summer Fellows receive a stipend of $5,294 and an education award of $1,374.60.
Fellows and Host Partners will be supported by BACR to foster a positive Fellowship experience. BACR will provide overall program support through Fellow recruitment, placement, onboarding, and training; act as a liaison to the Host Partner; and coordinate reporting requirements and other program logistics.
We Are Looking For
Strong Host Partners
We are looking for Host Partners that have a community need for climate volunteer engagement, climate action, and education support.
Host Partners should provide tangible and impactful community climate action projects with a scope of work appropriate to the goals for the program.
Host Partners must agree to follow all AmeriCorps requirements, ensure Fellows do not participate in prohibited activities, participate in candidate recruitment and screening, and provide Fellow supervision and professional development.
Application Process
Step 1: Submit Online Project Application
- Complete your application. Applications will be accepted until February 15th. Pdf and paper copies not accepted.
Step 2: Application Review & Follow-Up
- Program staff will review applications to ensure fit with program goals and structure.
Step 3: Project Approval & Contracting
- Program staff will confirm partner selections in March 2023.
- Approved Host Partners will complete a Memorandum of Understanding with BACR outlining mutual roles, expectations, and responsibilities.
Step 4: Candidate Review and Placement
- BACR will share Fellow candidates for consideration who have been pre-screened with Host Partners for screening/matching in March/April for the 2023 Summer Fellowship and June/July for the 2023-24 Fellowship. BACR will make offers to candidates for the Host Partner and facilitate the placement and onboarding process.
Host Partners are expected to help with local Fellow recruitment and screening. Note that final acceptance into the program is contingent upon successful recruitment/placement of Fellows.