Onboarding AmeriCorps Members
Get Started
Onboarding your AmeriCorps members includes a number of important steps. This includes completing National Service Criminal History Checks (NSCHC) and Enrolling Members into your AmeriCorps program through the eGrants system. Both topics include required trainings and a quiz to be sure you have the knowledge needed to manage these processes correctly. You’ll want to start both processes months or weeks ahead of member Orientation. Be sure to use our Member Onboarding Checklist to ensure you don’t miss anything!
AmeriCorps Member Enrollment in eGrants Training
An important part of member onboarding is enrolling them in your program through the My AmeriCorps portal (also known as eGrants). This involves several steps and should be started weeks or months ahead – finishing with finalizing the enrollment during Pre-Service Orientation week. All programs must have at least one staff take this training and the quiz that follows as part of Program Readiness. After watching the training video, take the quiz. Be sure to click the button at the end to see your score! Take a screenshot to upload in Salesforce in the Program Readiness tab.
Onboarding Resources
Our Member Onboarding folder on Grantee Central includes a new eGrants Guide which covers all aspects of member management in eGrants (with tutorials), including creating an account, enrollment, suspensions, exits, member slots, and reports. The eGrants Guide also provides brief walk-through videos of the enrollment process including:
“Our experience with AmeriCorps members that join Community Organized Relief Effort’s (CORE) work to educate, mitigate, and prepare our communities for extreme weather impacts has been incredible. The enthusiasm and passion that AmeriCorps members bring to our community events, in addition to expanding the capacity of our climate collaboration partners has been invaluable. We are so honored to work alongside such quality people and hope to maintain long-term relationships as they move forward in their educational or professional paths.”
Nina Knierim
CA Area Manager, Climate Resilience & Disaster Preparedness